Level 2 child cycling
April 3, 2023
Date and Time
10:00 am-12:00 pm
About the course
In addition to the school-based courses, National Standard Cycle Training courses are held during the school holidays by The Road Safety Team at Maindy Leisure Centre.
Level 2 will take place on risk assessed roads near the Road Safety Centre in Maindy.
Trainees are expected to make judgements and decisions at junctions and roads with traffic whilst turning left and right.
Maximum spaces will be 12 attendees per course.
All Cardiff children aged 9 and above that have not received in school cycle training.
Please be aware that children cannot be taken on the three on-road training sessions unless they have successfully completed Level 1.
There is a non-refundable £20 fee to book on to each course.
What should I bring to the first lesson
A roadworthy bike and helmet. Bikes must be in a roadworthy condition, with two working breaks, inflated tyres and working gears (Where applicable). Please turn up 10-15 minutes early on Day 1 as our coaches can check and make reasonable adjustments to any bicycle.
Water and a small snack for a 5 minute break half way through the session.
Courses run in almost all weather conditions, waterproofs or a change of clothes and sun cream may be needed depending on the time of year. Suitable footwear is also required.